Thursday, May 17, 2012

Property owners have the right to appeal.

Post by Mike Flynn

Citizens of Dougherty County know that millage rate increases are in their future. The county, city and school board all are projecting short falls. The school board may be as much as $9-million short, and the city is relying on MEAG money to make ends meet.

The one positive aspect of the current real estate market is that owners should, at very least, be given a reduction in the fair market value of their property.

The deadline for appealing the value of your property is 6/15/2012.

You can obtain the appeal form from the Tax Office and valuations of other properties.
Always check both the “value” and “uniformity” box.

Until you receive a final decision from the Board of Equalization or Arbitration, your taxes will be reduced 15% by appealing. Additionally, the Tax Assessors are barred from raising valuation of your property for two years.

Under a recent statute, if you obtain a reduction in the value of your property by an appeal, the Board of Assessors are barred from increasing your valuation for the next two years O.C.G.A. Sec 48-5-299(c).

Since our city and county have announced their consideration of raising our millage rate (which is already one of the highest in Georgia) it behooves you to take the time to investigate your property’s valuation and its uniformity.

You may access recent sales data in your neighborhood at the following public web site:  Recent sales can be used to establish the market value of your property.

If you need further assistance please contact me at 229-883-6100.

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